Regione Lombardia
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upcoming Erasmus+ exchange project in Marrakech


This project brings together youth workers from diverse backgrounds: 7 each from Turkey, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Morocco. Our theme, "Protecting Cultural Heritage During Disasters,"
From 21 to 28 February 2025

Data di Pubblicazione

21 gennaio 2025



Descrizione estesa


We are excited to announce our upcoming Erasmus+ exchange project in Marrakech, Morocco, scheduled for 22–27 February 2025. Participants traveling from outside Morocco may use two additional travel days for the exchange.

Draft Agenda (detailed schedule to follow next week):

  • Day 1-2: Arrivals (21-22 Feb)
  • Day 2-3: Activities (22-23 Feb)
  • Day 4: Free Day (24 Feb)
  • Day 5-6-7: Activities (25-26-27 Feb)
  • Day 7-8: Departures (27-28 Feb)


  • Travel tickets (likely arranged by us), food during the activity days, and accommodation will be covered for participants coming from outside Morocco.

Project Abstract:
This project brings together  youth workers from diverse backgrounds: 7 each from Turkey, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Morocco. Our theme, "Protecting Cultural Heritage During Disasters,"


Contact us 0331295052 int. 7

Ultima modifica: martedì, 21 gennaio 2025

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